About The Cord Cutting Report

Since 2016, The Cord Cutting Report has been helping readers find the right TV hardware like antennas, and over-the-air DVRs. We publish comprehensive, easy-to-understand guides about streaming services, and how to get the most out of your home entertainment.

As the editor and founder of The Cord Cutting Report, I have been interviewed as an expert in a number of publications for tips and advice to consumers. You can read those stories in MarketWatch, Forbes, South Florida Sun Sentinel and InsideHook.

The Cord Cutting Report has also been cited as a resource in articles by The Boston Globe and TechCrunch.

Contact the Editor:

The purpose of the site is to take the hassle out of picking the right tech hardware and digital services to replace pricey cable, satellite TV and Internet packages.

The Cord Cutting Report has comprehensive product reviews, tech news and how-to guides.

You can find recommendations for streaming devices, WiFi routers, TV antennas, DVRs, portable projectors and a growing number of streaming services. The recommendations are based on my own rigorous process of hands-on testing.

I launched the site in March 2016 after more than two decades as a journalist. During my 22 years as a reporter, I was a staff writer or correspondent for a number of daily newspapers, including The Boston Globe.

The The Cord Cutting Report website and its YouTube channel are regularly featured on Google News and Google Discover. You can add The Cord Cutting Report on Google News to your personalized feed to get the latest reviews and tech news stories.

Q: What do you mean when you say that this site is reader-supported?

A: Glad you asked. Just like other respectable review publications like the Wirecutter, I use affiliate relationships to fund my work. That means when you click on a link here that takes you to a site such as Amazon or Hulu, there’s a chance that I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. 

With affiliate commissions, I’m able to provide rigorous testing of products and services so you don’t have to burn a lot of time figuring out what streaming service or product will be a good fit for your household.

This site is affiliated with CMI Marketing, Inc., d/b/a CafeMedia (“CafeMedia”) for the purposes of placing advertising. The CCR’s YouTube channel uses Google AdSense for advertising. I don’t use any clickbait-style articles as a source of revenue.   

Q: How do you test and review products and services?

Every product and review undergoes rigorous hands-on testing over a course of weeks and sometimes months. My aim is to answer the simple questions such as “Should I buy it?” and “Who is this for?” along with more complex ones that may arise when readers are researching what to buy or use.

In 2023, I began using a scaled rating system (1 to 10) for product reviews. The review process is outlined in detail within the site’s Review Policy, which applies to all reviews on The Cord Cutting Report website and YouTube channel.

Q: Are you an influencer? Why should I trust you?

A: I am not an influencer. I am an independent creator and tech journalist. It’s up to you whether you trust me. But I’m doing my best to disclose how this site is able to stay in operation. You don’t need to work for your local newspaper, or even a big online publication, to be an independent creator and tech journalist with ethics. 

In the last dozen years, independent creators and online journalists have flipped traditional media on its head. 

Whether it’s a neighborhood blogger reporting on the city council meeting or the Joe Rogan podcast, individuals can start up publications, a YouTube channel or podcast and make a better living than working for a traditional media organization such as a newspaper. 

My venue has changed, but my training and ethics I learned in the world of “old media” has not. 

Q: Are brands and companies paying or compensating you to write reviews?

A: No. Brands and companies do not pay for the editorial direction nor do they have any say over this site whatsoever. And they don’t get to see anything I publish ahead of time. They get to read a review when it’s published — just like my readers or viewers on YouTube.

The companies I choose to work with take the editorial process of independently-owned publications seriously. They understand that when they send me a product to review (even if they don’t want it back), it doesn’t get them a favorable review or better coverage. 

The really great companies take in criticism and find ways to improve the product. When that happens, it’s a really satisfying experience because I’m helping the consumer and the company with my honest testing and analysis.   

I do turn down a number of offers from companies that ask me to review a product. My reasons usually fall into one of two categories — either I don’t think the product will be a good fit for my audience, or what I’m being presented with doesn’t appear to be of high quality. 

Q: Do you accept sponsorships, or sponsored content?

A: The last sponsored content was published in 2019. By becoming a reader-supported publication, I can maintain my editorial independence. I continue to turn down a number of companies that want sponsored content or advertising on this site and YouTube channel, and I expect that to continue.  In the event that I do accept a sponsorship, the sponsorship is prominently disclosed on any and all content. I only accept sponsorship opportunities from companies where I have experience with their product or service, and feel comfortable with recommending it to others. But sponsored content is seldom.

Q: Do any of your commissions influence your picks?

A: No. When someone has a choice of streaming services, I usually direct them to the cheapest service available. So if you just want a way to watch AMC without cable so you can see the new season of The Walking Dead, I recommend going for the cheapest option. There may be an exception to this rule. When that happens, I’ll explain why.

I regularly highlight other options from services that I have used as a customer on and off over the years so you can make an informed decision.

I also recommend using free over-the-air TV whenever possible.

Q: Is my information being sold or collected when I visit the site?

A: No. I do not ask for or want your personal information. If you submit a comment here, you might be required to enter some information such as an email address as a way to combat spam. There is a more detailed accounting of the site’s privacy policy as well. 

Head over to the main page for the latest news and guides. I hope you enjoy the site and find it useful.

James A. Kimble

Founder/Editor, The Cord Cutting Report

9 thoughts on “About The Cord Cutting Report”

  1. I live on an island in WA state. There appears to be only two internet companies that I could use. Century and Xfinity. Should I get one of these and still be able to “cut the cable” for the TV stations? I like to idea of using an antenna but I’m on the north side of the island and not sure if the reception would be good. Thanks and good luck with this informative webpage. Billy

    • Hey Billy,

      I would call up each company and tell them you only want a very basic Internet connection for checking email and web browsing. Do NOT tell them that you’re streaming. Say you own an antenna. That should help with getting a rock bottom price so long as you emphasize that you have very, very basic needs for Internet. That’s basically my approaching for getting my price to around $40 a month. Hope that helps and good luck.

  2. I like the clear stream eclipse but want to know which one to buy. Amazon has a 35 and 50 mile version. I live in city of salt lake. Thanks for all the info.

  3. Hiya.

    Thanks for all the carefully researched and organized info! I’ve quit cable, am using streaming services, and want to watch local OTA TV. I’d like to try building an antenna, and you mention doing it on the website, but for the life of me I can’t find any info on how to do so on your pages or by using your site’s search function. Could you direct me to instructions on making my own antenna?

    Also, many thanks for all the carefully researched and reported info on your site. Now my head is spinning with options I never even knew existed!


  4. ‘Cord-Cutting’ is a misnomer. The fact is that the same companies that provide satellite, cable and voice/tv services that you are ‘cord cutting’ from… are the monopolies that own internet access. Early on, the idea was that you would install a digital antenna to get all local channels free, and then come up with some way to easily distribute that to all of your devices. IE: Roku, HDHomerun etc. Once your family is used to 500 channels and internet content which is EVERY typical Comcast/AT&T or other customer, it is UNLIKELY that everyone is going to be satisfied with only local channels. When you cord cut, you end up building alternative content sources into your system. IE: Netflix, Amazon, Hulu etc. Truth is, your internet connection is the backbone of almost any entertainment system.

    ISP’s figured out this ‘cord cutting’ thing long ago. That is why they set LOW download maximums into their pricing models. If you have internet only from Comcast, AT&T or other ISP’s, you will pay $30-$45 per month additional for unlimited data plans. For a typical family of 4… with 3 to 4 TV’s, Roku’s, smartphones etc pulling content from the internet you will EASILY exceed the bandwidth maximums for internet only packages and you are forced to add unlimited data to your plan. Also, you must have high speed access to feed multiple devices in the household now that much of your video content is coming from the ‘net… so you are looking at a 10-12mbs plan at a minimum. The ISP’s know what they are doing and to think we are all ‘outsmarting’ them with a few gadgets or apps is nonsense.

    This is why they require big $$$ for unlimited when you ONLY have internet access… then if you bundle TV programming, you get the unlimited data included in many plans. They make internet only for those who stream a lot of content (cord cutters) cost so much that you are only saving $10-$20 a month by cutting TV packages. You dump your $120 per month high speed internet + TV subscription and end up with $50 for high speed internet + $40 for unlimited data + $12 Netflix etc etc. You are now at about the SAME monthly cost for as your cable TV+internet subscription. It may feel good to dump cable TV… I did it 15 years ago using TV tuner cards and Beyond TV with an antennal LONG before anyone heard of the term cord cutting… Feels good? Maybe. Cheaper? Very likely not. Everyone on these ‘cord cutter’ pages talk talk talk about the technology and individually praise the concept… But add up all of the hardware, the services, the subscriptions, the high speed internet and the unlimited charges and it’s all about the same. Where is that analysis??

    • I agree with you on a couple of things. Cord Cutting is becoming a misnomer. With live streaming services, people watching TV on smartphones and the growing use of TV Everywhere apps, what we are really talking about is New TV vs Old TV (cable/satellite). If you step away from what’s happening in TV, there’s a similar thing happening with media in general thanks to the Internet. There are people running podcasts out of their garage that have further reach than some well known newspapers or magazines.

      Getting a decent Internet connection at a fair price is still a hurdle for a lot of people. There’s no question that cable/ISP’s are using a lack of competition to their advantage to shore up revenue from the thousands of people dropping their cable packages for some kind of streaming/OTA option.
      According to FCC data from 2016, 51 percent of the U.S. has access to only one provider for high-speed Internet. ISP’s want to keep it this way, and they spend a lot of money with convincing our feeble-minded representatives in Congress to enact policies that discourages competition and local ISP providers. I think broadband expansion, wholesalers of DSL and 5G will force more competition eventually, but it won’t happen overnight. So the way I see it, it’s not a matter of outsmarting them, it’s just being smarter about what choices you can make right now.

      I have cost comparisons in my cord cutting guide, and in some of my reviews like the one for HDHomeRun. You’re right that the costs aren’t talked about enough, especially in the mainstream media. The assumption that the price for Internet is always a fixed price is rubbish. This was debunked during a 2016 Congressional investigation into cable/ISP pricing. You can find info about that here on the site.

      Is recouping your savings by buying your own equipment a long term play? Absolutely. Can cable provide me a better value over so-called cord cutting options? I don’t think so.

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